Embrace Conflict

Hi Friends,

It's good to see you all. Welcome back to "Stable & Scale".

As a developer on this road path, we will learn a lot.

If you want to grow in your IT Career, We should consider certain things.

One such thing is Embrace Conflict,

Every office has its conflict, which might be on ideas, topics, decisions, etc.,

It may be either Constructive Conflict or Destructive Conflict.

We can embrace only Constructive Conflict.

What is Constructive Conflict ?

It embraces differing ideas and worldviews to move toward its goals and mission. This type of conflict increases productivity rather than hampers it. A Conflict that's positive but includes constructive conflict in teams, like brainstorming sessions where people disagree.

It helps participants talk openly and respectfully about these disagreements in a mutual attempt to understand each other's perspectives and create the best possible solution.

So, we need to embrace Constructive Conflict to move next level.

Until then, I am Lakshman, Signing Off.

Keep Learning, Explore New Skills, Enjoy your life.

Fine On-road head, we will discuss a lot of things.

Looking forward to your comments and please share your feedback.


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